Larissa Höfling holds a Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science (University Osnabrück) and a Master’s degree in Neural Information Processing (University of Tübingen) and is currently pursuing a PhD in Computational Neuroscience She has a strong interest in the societal and political dimensions of research; she is a member of the PhD initiative sustainAbility and of KI macht Schule. By initiating and organizing this workshop, she wants to create a platform for interdisciplinary networking and exchange between young scientists training in the fields of machine learning, political sciences and other relevant disciplines.
Ilja Mirsky (B.Sc. Cognitive Science, M.A. Performance Studies) is a PhD student in the department of Media Studies at the University of Tübingen and at the Zurich University of the Arts. In his interdisciplinary research he combines the fields of AI research and Human-Computer Interaction on theatre stages. He is dramaturg at the “Institut für theatrale Zukunftsforschung” in the Zimmertheater Tübingen and lecturer on subjects such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Digital Dramaturgy at the University of Tübingen and the Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg.
Student assistent:
Katharina Anderer (B.Sc. Psychology) is a master student in cognitive science at the university of Tübingen. In her studies, she is mostly interested in the combination of machine learning and neurosciences. Besides, ethical considerations and the question how machine learning can have a positive impact on society are very important in her perspective. She is excited to support the workshop as a student assistant.