Open Call
Call for Applications:
We invite PhD students from various disciplines (Politics, Law, Philosophy, Sociology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) to participate in our interdisciplinary workshop at the University of Tübingen in January 2022.
About the workshop: As the use of Machine Learning algorithms and Artificial Intelligence pervades all areas of our lives and societies, it also affects fundamental pillars of democracy, such as public debate, political decision making and (dis)information through media. In our PhD workshop “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning research and democracy – an interdisciplinary perspective” we will provide a platform for young researchers from all relevant disciplines – from machine learning research to political science and every nuance in between – to engage in exchange of methods and current state of the art research. Our guiding question will be:
How can we shape the co-development of AI/ ML research and democracy?
Workshop structure: The cornerstone of our workshop will be the keynote lectures by invited expert guest speakers. All participants will furthermore have the opportunity to present their research and ideas on the workshop topic. Being aware of the challenges of bringing different disciplines together, we will put a focus on creative and interactive formats such as Bar Camps and simulation games to facilitate profound discussions during the workshop.
In a three-step procedure, we will first take an account of the status quo by identifying the perils and potentials of AI/ML for democracy. Next, we will broaden the scope of the discussion to address questions of responsibility in research and different stances on technological determinism. In a last third step, we will get inspired by and develop own visions of the future co-development of AI/ML and democracy, discuss the (un)desirability of these visions and identify the actions that we as PhD students in AI/ML, philosophy, politics, and other related disciplines can undertake to realize (or prevent) them.
The workshop will be concluded with a public panel on the last day which will present the main ideas developed during the workshop and discuss further steps regarding responsibilities of AI/ML research and democracy.
How to apply:
Want to be part of a new network of young researchers who take responsibility for the future of AI and democracy? Are you working on the workshop’s topic – or see an interesting connection of your research to it? Or are you eager to find out how your research might contribute to a positive co-development of AI/ML research and democracy? Then apply with a short abstract (approx. 200 words) presenting your research and its connection to the workshop’s subjects. Furthermore, we ask for a short personal motivational letter (approx. 100 words) for attending the workshop. Your contribution can take various formats, such as a talk or a hands-on methods session.
Please send your application to until 19 November 2021.
What we offer: The workshop’s aim is to create an inspiring atmosphere for young researchers to network and discuss the intersection and intervention points of democratic principles and AI/ML research. We will cover travel and accommodation costs for participants who are not based in Tübingen. You will find more detailed information about the workshop and the lecturers on our website: The website will be filling up with more information about the keynote lectures soon, so please be sure to check back regularly!